Phone:: (706) 438-1222

Senior Health

The senior population is arguably one of the most valuable resources of any community. Within that population is a wealth of experience and wisdom, along with decades of rich history and tradition. Therefore, it is vital to help our seniors achieve and maintain the best quality of life in their golden years.

Three of the top health concerns that affect our seniors are heart disease, diabetes and chronic respiratory disease (COPD). And now, over the past few years, COVID-19 has adversely affected our senior population. Safely and effectively managing these infamous chronic conditions can mean adding healthy years that can be filled with making joyful and loving memories for the jewels of our community.

Fitness/Healthy Lifestyle

Obesity is the leading risk factor for type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis, and is a significant risk factor in heart disease and hypertension. As little as a 5% reduction of BMI can improve blood pressure, lower blood sugar and can even lead to reduction (or even elimination) of maintenance medications. We can help you devise a fitness plan tailored to your lifestyle.

Vitamin B Injections

Vitamin supplementation can be a beneficial addition to a healthy lifestyle. Some benefits of routine Vitamin B injections can include improvement of hair/skin/nail health, combatting anemia, memory improvement, increased metabolism, and increased energy (which can aid in weight loss). If you are experiencing certain symptoms that could suggest Vitamin B deficiency (Ex: fatigue, pale skin, difficulty concentrating, decreased appetite), you may benefit from regular Vitamin B injections.